Thursday, February 7, 2008

Haanzel Und Gretyl - 2012: Zwanzig Zwolf (2008)

GENRE..... Industrial
LABEL...... Metropolis Records
MODE....... VBRkbps / Joint-Stereo
REL.DATE.. 2008-02-06

Hanzel und Gretyl is a peculiar industrial metal outfit from the USA which with the use of sometimes hilarious but more often pretty childish humour seems to enjoy to combine all sorts of stereotypical German clichés and a Sci-Fi fascination with ultra heavy industrial metal in the direction of Ministry, Rammstein and KMFDM. German lyrics, just as fitting samples and massive guitar walls is what you’ll find in songs with titles such as ‘Ubermensch Uberfrau’, ‘Fukken Uber Death Party’, ‘Bavarian Beerhaus Blood’, ‘Heil Hizzle Mein Nizzle’, ‘Sternkrieg’ and ‘Lederhosen Macht Frei’. It is musically pretty tight but if you’re past the typical humour, it proves to fall short in variation to really remain interesting. The highlights on this album are the single tracks ‘Fukken Uber Death Party’ and ‘Sternkrieg’. 2012: Zwanzig Zwolf is an album that is mostly suitable for the die-hard fans of the industrial metal genre. .


01. Ubermensch Uberfrau

02. Fukken Uber Death Party

03. Loud Und Proud

04. Kaizerreich

05. Deathschlager

06. Number 1 In Deutschland

07. Hail To The Dark Side

08. Bavarian Beerhauz Blood

09. Das Boot

10. Heil Hizzle Mein Nizzle

11. Lederhozen Macht Frei

12. Sternkrieg

13. Totenhead


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